Office Sections

Acquision section

This is the section that enjoys the responsibility of collection development. Collection development is done generally in four ways, viz. by purchase, by gift, by depository and by printing or photocopying. The processes of the above have been elaborated under the main menu ‘About us’ ® ‘Collection development’.

Periodicals section

The main responsibility of periodical section is to subscribe periodicals i.e. Newspapers, Magazines and Journals. These periodical are mostly in English and Nepali. Similarly they are foreign periodicals as well as of Nepali origin. The newly acquired periodicals are put on display at the newspaper reading section. The old issues get bound once in a year and are sent to periodicals storage section where research scholars can browse through and consult as per their requirement.

Technical processing section

As the name itself suggests that this section has the responsibility of doing technical processing of all the books acquired by the acquisition section. Technical processing involves classification, cataloguing/computer data entry. Classification is the process of assigning each and every title of books a numeric code representative of the thought content of the books so that they are shelved on the book-racks in proximity with the books having similar subjects. Cataloguing/Computer data entry means indexing the books bibliographic description so that they can be retrieved fast and with ease while searching no matter whether it is traditional card cataloguing or computer cataloguing.

Administrative sections & other sections

T.U. Central library being big both in terms of building space and number of persons working in the library has number of other administrative sections, they are Chief librarian or Chief administrator, General administration (physical facility), Personnel administration (administrative section), Accounts section and Store section.